Should I Learn to Play the Guitar Left-handed? (2023)

Firstly, a left-handed guitarist is someone who strums with his left hand. With that out of the way, is it harder to play left-handed? No, the guitar is a challenging instrument to learn regardless. When it comes to technique and how much practice you will need to put in, it doesn't matter if you are left-handed or right. However, this doesn't mean that you will be on equal playing field as a left-handed guitarist. There are additional factors to be considered and it justifiably leads to the question: "Should I learn to play guitar left-handed or right-handed?"

It is important to understand that the majority of guitars are designed for right-handed players. This means that the strings are arranged in a way that makes it easier for right-handed individuals to play chords and melodies. However, left-handed guitars do exist, and some musicians have found great success playing them. Legendary guitarist such as Jimi Hendrix, Albert King, and Tony Lommi.

One benefit of learning to play guitar left-handed is that it can feel more natural and comfortable for left-handed individuals. As someone who writes with their left hand, you would have a lot more fluidity when it comes to strumming and picking. Additionally, some left-handed players believe that playing left-handed gives them a unique sound and style that sets them apart from right-handed players.

On the other hand, learning to play guitar left-handed can come with some drawbacks. First and foremost, left-handed guitars can be harder to find and may be more expensive than right-handed guitars. This can make it difficult for beginners who are just starting out and don't want to invest a lot of money into their new hobby. Additionally, if you ever want to play someone else's guitar or perform in a group setting, it may be more challenging to find a left-handed guitar that you can use.

Another potential disadvantage of learning to play guitar left-handed is that most instructional materials, including books, videos, and online tutorials, are designed for right-handed players. This can make it harder to learn the proper techniques and finger positions, and it can be frustrating to constantly have to translate instructions from right to left.

So, what should you do if you're left-handed and interested in learning to play guitar? Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal preference and comfort. If you feel more comfortable playing left-handed and are willing to invest in a left-handed guitar, then it may be the right choice for you. On the other hand, if you are more interested in playing a wider variety of guitars and don't mind adapting to the right-handed playing style, then learning to play right-handed may be a better option.

If you do decide to learn to play guitar left-handed, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier. First, try to find a left-handed guitar that fits your budget and playing style. You may need to visit several music stores or search online to find the right one. Additionally, look for instructional materials that are designed specifically for left-handed players. There are some books, videos, and online tutorials that cater to left-handed guitarists, so take advantage of these resources.

Another helpful tip for left-handed guitarists is to learn how to restring a right-handed guitar for left-handed playing. This can be a cost-effective solution if you already have a right-handed guitar or if you are unable to find a left-handed guitar that suits your needs. Keep in mind, however, that restringing a guitar can be tricky and should only be done by someone with experience.

Overall, whether you should learn to play guitar left-handed or right-handed is a personal decision that depends on your comfort level, budget, and goals as a musician. While learning to play left-handed may feel more natural for some left-handed individuals, it can also come with some challenges, such as finding the right equipment and instructional materials. Ultimately, the most important thing is to enjoy the process of learning and playing guitar, regardless of whether you choose to play left-handed or right-handed.

I hope this post helped you to make an informed decision on whether to go the left or right-handed route. I would love to hear what you think, pop a comment below on whether this post helped or not :)
